UN Millennium Development Goal 5 is to Improve Maternal Health
The targets of this goal are:
5.A: Reduce by three-quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio.
5.B: Achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health.
Goal 5.A may be achieved by 2015.
According to the world bank, the death of mothers per 100,000 live births was 50 in 2010 and 45 in 2013.
In 1990 this number was 120. Three-quarters of 120 is 30.
This means that if the rate drops linearly between 2013 and 2015, Egypt will be pretty close to the goal by the end of 2015, but not quite there.
Goal 5.B is unlikely to be achieved.
In 2008, 90% or women in urban areas of women in rural areas received a skilled health professional at their births and only 72% of women in rural areas. This is according to the 2010 UNICEF report on MDGP 5.
I wonder if they measure this by how many women actually have skilled professionals at their births or by how many women have that opportunity. I also wonder what counts as a skilled health professional. It is cultural to have a midwife, friends and family at a birth, and that is all the help that is needed as long as an abnormal emergency does not take place. So I wonder how they measure this goal.
Midwifery as a trained profession is small in Egypt, as far as I can tell from here and here.
It is interesting to see the comments on it, along with breastfeeding in a forum on mothering.com here.
The report at eg.undp.org reports that for goal 5.B, lower Egypt may achieve the goal if specific policies are adopted, but upper Egypt (southern Egypt, the more rural area) will not achieve the goal.
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